Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Creating Brands Online

I’ve been writing about online branding for quite awhile, in my textbook and some marketing encyclopedia articles. The chief point has been that we have a whole new set of interactive tools to use on the web, whether we are creating new brands or strengthening existing ones. The tools are:

•Co-Creation of Content
•Purchase-Process Streamlining
•Brand Community

Many online marketers use several of these tools well. Amazon has pioneered some of them and uses most of them well; I’m not sure they engage in dynamic pricing. What I am sure of though, is that when you do it well it can become an information product. When I ordered Christmas gifts from Target online I was given a choice to use their checkout process or Amazon’s. That was a surprise, but no big decision. I have my account set up on Amazon, I trust that they take care of my data, and I’d use them whenever given the chance. Seeing Amazon in that context didn’t do any harm to their brand image either!

There are new branding opportunities inherent in Web 2.0, as the description of Verizon’s recent branding activities in today’s iMedia Connection suggests. And that article doesn’t include Verizon’s My Home 2.0 promotion I discussed earlier—different agency I think.

Having suggested a new media model that reflects that new reality, I’ve been thinking about branding. I posted my thoughts on the eBrandMarketing site. Hope you’ll take a look and tell me whether you think this is the way it can work in the Web 2.0 world.


  1. I did not know where to leave this comment, but I thought here would be as good a place as any. I consider myself to be fairly up to date on Internet marketing but I ran across something today that I had never heard about before. It is called Hub Pages. I am enclosing a link to a Youtube video that walks you through it step by step, and it works!!! I did my own trial and I was on in the #2 spot in 2 days. This might be a good addition to the SEO section of the course. I can tell you as a business owner that is what I am using it for, a great brand builder!.


  2. Really interesting, Bryan. I haven't had time to review the video yet (as a publisher, I will!) but did find a case study of someone else who has used it.http://www.affiliatemarketingdiary.com/case-studies/hub-pages-case-study-appear-on-the-first-page-of-google/48/
    Thanks for the tip!


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