Friday, February 13, 2009

Conversation Tools

A former student sent me this graphic from Brian Solis; thanks, Arun! It was originally posted on Flickr last fall; it was recently honored as one of the best search marketing posts of the year. It is reminiscent of the Overdrive Social Media Map that I posted earlier. It is, however, more narrowly focused and represents another useful framework for organizing social media.

The point of the Conversation Prizm is to, first, listen and then to embark upon a conversation with your target audience. Sound familiar? That’s the approach I was pushing in the conversational marketing seminar back in November.
The list of tools keeps growing all the time, and thanks are due to the people who try to keep us abreast of what exists.

That should allow us, the users, to spend our time concentrating on how to integrate social media into our marketing/marketing communications strategies in an effective way!

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