Wednesday, September 16, 2009

McKinsey 'Gets It' in New Media

That’s true in a number of interesting ways. One of my students highlighted the article from their global survey that tracks business adoption of Web 2.0 techniques. If this were about the data, I could pretty much leave it at the title of the first table, “Greater Knowledge and Better Marketing.” For me, that sums it up! From that data, eMarketer (September 16, 2009) has a nice chart that point out that different Web 2.0 technologies work better for different purposes/audiences. That’s important too.

But what I’ve enjoyed watching over the past several months is McKinsey’s own efforts to make its content interactive and push that content out on several Web 2.0 platforms.

• Look at the article itself. It has an interactive chart that is a nice way to portray their three years of tracking data. There’s also an audio discussing the results (see the right bar). Now step back and look at the page. It has a variety of ways of drawing you into the article and a variety of ways of reader sharing. At this moment it has 53 recommendations—pretty good! It has a big Facebook logo.

• They (technically, “they” is the McKinsey Quarterly journal, not the consulting firm) have almost 40,000 fans on Facebook. This is from my page today. They keep it up; people respond—51 people like it and there are 12 comments. Also good!

• I don’t follow them on Twitter, but they are active. It seems to be a combination of feeds as they publish new articles and manual Tweets that point to certain articles or information. They have over 15,000 followers.

• I just added their marketing content sidebar to this blog; look on the right sidebar. It caused the one failure I found; the automatic post to Blogger didn’t work, although the usual copy embed code did. I needed to work on the sidebar anyway (hate to do that), so it didn’t make much difference. I think I first noticed the widget in February when they asked Facebook fans to give them feedback on it. All very good!

It’s not just being on the social networks; it’s using them consistently and for the appropriate purposes.

It’s about making your stuff work.

Most of all, it’s about having a consistent strategy across platforms—from your website through all the social networks you choose to use.

McKinsey gets all of this!

P.S. I couldn't resist adding this; it came in about an hour after I made the post. Another good catch by McKinsey!

1 comment:

  1. mary lou,

    i'm bill javetski, a member of the board of editors at the mckinsey quarterly, and editor of thanks for noticing. you get it. we have one of the great repositories of business thinking to share, and we get so much value from the two-way nature of the exchanges.


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