Sunday, February 13, 2011

Stores are Popping Up on Facebook

I ran across the concept of pop-up stores not long ago while I was looking at the subject of viral events. The idea is to take a vacant retail location for a brief time and to create an immersive brand experience there. This shot is from an October event held by Proctor & Gamble in New York City as the first event in an ongoing campaign. Here’s a link to the full side show from the first one. These events are held in the real world, but they are reaching out to social media influentials like Andrea of the MommyPR blog and Patty of the NYC Girl at Heart blog for that event. Another great example of integrating social media into the marketing communications mix!

If that wasn’t interesting enough, I soon ran across the mention of pop-up stores on Facebook. E-commerce on Facebook is still quite exploratory, although if you do a search you might (or might not) be surprised at how many marketing services companies would like to help you. These articles (1, 2) from Mashable discuss some of the issues and opportunities.

Pop-up stores are only one way to explore, but since the concept implies something temporary, it might be a good one. So I went looking. Here are two shots, one from Rhino records, which makes clear that its store will be there only for awhile and another from Canadian retailer Roots, which has a Valentine theme, whatever that implies. Note that in the Rhino store you can just go in and shop; didn't try to purchase. In order to shop the Roots store, you have to Like them to shop or to access the contest--probably why they have almost 35,000 fans!

By the time you follow the links, these stores may have gone away. You should find other examples if you search ‘facebook pop up store.’ They seem to be set up using one of several apps that are available for the purpose, not Facebook functionality.

I have no insights as to the success of either venture. However, it seems to be a use of Facebook that’s worth watching!


  1. I found very interesting the P&G campaign
    "Have you tried this yet?".
    Everything came up from a market research which found that 73% of women
    who purchased household products were unsatisfied. Then P&G showed them
    that there are products which can satisfy their expectations by using something
    as simple as a coupon booklet. Well, now it seems to be very practical but I
    would like to compare this campaign with Groupon's strategy.
    I think is quite similar but finally P&G found a way to make sure
    that women were aware of these products. Now, they are happy and I am sure that
    Procter is no too far away to fidelize this segment.

    Best Regards,

  2. Thanks for posting, definitely going to subscribe! See you on my reader.

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  3. Yeah, I've seen a lot of online stores on Facebook. Social sites like this truly benefit many businesses, and there are some who start growing from using this. Oh, aside from focusing on sales, entrepreneurs must find ways on improving their services and products so they'll maintain their accounts whether those are old or new ones. Actually, some businesses today hire services of a call center for managing their clients. With that, they can improve their sales, and improve their services because there are people monitoring the concerns of their accounts.


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