Monday, January 31, 2011

Social Media Lines Up for Super Bowl 2011

For those of us who live our lives in the world of social media, this Super Bowl stat is astonishing: E-Trade was the only advertiser among the 2009 and 2010 Super Bowl rosters to even add a tease to its Facebook or Twitter presence at the close of the ad, according to a study by Professors Chuck Tomkovick and Rama Yelkur quoted in Ad Age. Not so this year; in that article on Monday Ad Age headlines, “From Hashtags to Newsfeeds to Online Spots, Big Game Advertisers Tap Web 2.0 to Extend Buy.” (See also the Super Bowl coverage on their sidebar.)

We all know what the marketing game is. A 30-second Super Bowl ad has hovered around $3m for the past several years. That’s a lot for even the usual suspects like Anheuser-Busch, Pepsi, and Intel. The companies go all out to “create buzz,” with increasing intensity during this, the week before the big game. They prolong it as much as possible with post-game critiques that rival that of the sports programming itself. Getting the most mileage out of those expensive TV ads by leveraging other media made sense in years past. It still does; it’s just that social media has been added to the mix.
See the video here
According to Ad Age and this good video on CNBC, there will be more ties to social media this year. Pepsi is running its usual Doritos “Crash the SuperBowl” contest. Pepsi Max has purchased a spot, after a year off for cause-related marketing and joined in the “Crash” contest. They are joined by Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen and even the Anheuser Busch Clydesdales and the ETrade baby. In reporting on this year’s advertising (with a good link to past ads), MSNBC says, “It’s a risky proposition for companies. A social media campaign has the potential to make your loyal customers even bigger fans, or draw in new customers. But companies also have to be prepared for the fact that they can’t control what people will write or tweet about them, positive or negative.” With due respect to MSNBC— big DUH!!! Any brand marketer who doesn’t already know that—and know how to deal with it—isn’t ready for the big leagues!

Coors Light is using mobile to hype its advertising using a Snap Tag on its in-store packaging. They’ve been testing this technology since spring and find it ready for the big game. It’s all about a mobile phone, a special icon, text messaging—and, of course, the ability to enter a contest and win a big prize. This article gives a good overview of how it works.

On the other hand, some brands are using the event to their advantage without actually buying an ad.

Papa John’s, who advertised last year, is taking a different approach this year. It’s giving away pizzas on game day. Of course, you have to register on their Facebook page to be eligible! But if what they told CNBC holds true and they spend about half a million dollars to put pizzas into 100,000 homes, is that a better expenditure than $3m for a TV ad? You call that one! And very important, how many fans will they add to the 1,501,026 they have now?

Bing is running a National Tailgating Championship that will culminate in Dallas this week. The first prize is “the coveted Golden Grill.” Oh, yeh? Actually, the whole thing is great fun with lots of snarky commentary like a set of contest guidelines (linked to the main contest site) full of legalese that essentially says that the judges will decide on the winner. Good for Microsoft and the Bing marketers for not taking themselves too seriously!

And most of all that master of Internet buzz The Old Spice Guy. He’s back and he’s watching the buzz about it on the web. One Super Fan will receive an early copy of the ad to be debuted the day after the Super Bowl. Oh, wow! That’s so delightfully arrogant that I’m watching for it. Stay tuned!

And I’m sure I’ve missed some other interesting or creative—or not—approaches. What else should we look for on Sunday?


  1. Hello,

    I think the article ratifies what we have been studying at class. Today the social networks are taking more power in order to diffuse an ad. Perhaps the success of this new idea of using the social media is in mixing the new trends on e-marketing as mobile marketer or mobile apps for example, with the power of the social media.
    On the article we can see this in tangible form by checking the Papa Jhon´s facebook site or the mobile ads that coorlight used. Another example is Cabot Creamery Cooperative, a company that makes a full line of cheese. This company as we discussed at class has used the social media to get to people. For instance on the videos you see real people making or preparing cheese or yogurts, which makes me wonder if a company with a small budget can gain market?

    Butcher, D. (s.f.). Mobile Marketer. Recuperado el 06 de Feb de 2011, de Mobile Marketer:
    Cooperative, C. C. (s.f.). Recuperado el 9 de Feb de 2011, de Cabot Creamery Cooperative:
    Schultz, E. (s.f.). Advertising Age. Recuperado el 09 de Feb de 2011, de Advertising Age:

  2. Hello,
    I just saw another example like Cabot Creamery, Its name is Alpina. Alpina is one the most important dairy companies in Colombia. In their portfolio they have ´´Alpin´´ which is a kind of thick yogurt. Alpina just launch this Facebook site (Quiero mi alpin) where people participate by uploading a picture of a cat which must show something particular of the brand. The picture that has more ´´likes´´ will receive an award.
    This ratifies the strategy that Cabot uses on its Facebook.

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